Archived Immoral Attack Forums

Full Version: Trade Guild coins for mats for the guild
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Maybe make a system so we can trade guild coins for other materials for the guild. as in enchanted timbers and all that.
I like this idea. Although it doesn't really seem practical considering GC are usually the rarer of the upgrade mats
Its very practical.....
This sounds like an ok idea, but wouldn't it be easier to donate your mats?
Yes but when you run out of mats it would be a good way to get more since the drop rate of prismatic stones, timbers is so low. and nobody will want to donate their SD and CC.

Oh and because after you donated all your mats and you find out some of the other people in your guild are to stingy to donate their mats.

then you left over with a bunch of coins.
Well I thought about it and I'll def be adding it, I dunno how people will approve of costs but I'm thinking 1gc for useless stuff (Phials, Stones, Prismatics, Timbers) 3 for SD 5 for CC?
sounds good to me.
gcs for mats? heck ya! would help with smaller guilds. can't wait to see this