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How can I start getting experience overflow?
You need to get 250% XP Bonus, that means you need 25 CC's that you can earn by killing Beasts, purchasing them, buying from people or them randomly dropping after you kill.

How I train my skills?
Just by fighting monsters, also your quantity of skills gained will grow with some SoS (Shard of Skilfulness ) levels, or training in 7.5 Plane of Creation (aka. PoC) and increasing your Skill Bonus . You can also get skills randomly by killing the Beast Manticore .

What is a BEAST how is it spawned?

A beast spawns randomly by the # of online players CLICKING not chatting or idle reading chat. No beasts will spawn in Dullahan, and only The Creator and Battered Soul of Dullahan spawn in Plane of Souls. ANYONE can kill them not just the one that spawned it.

How do I gain credits faster?
Answer is simple, you gain credits by killing monsters AND if you use CC's in credit bonuses the higher the bonus the more per monster you will make.
Also once you reach level 1000. your Kingdom will generate credits every hour, the bigger your KD the more credits you'll make.
The income it’s based on how many peons you have on your land NOT soldiers (defense/Offense)

How do I get to the spawned Beasts ?
In the middle of the directional buttons for the map system, you will see a Blue button this is a warp button, at the cost of 1 Million Credits you will be warped to a random live beast. Subscribed users do not have to pay the 1 Million Credits to use this teleportation function. In the event you don't have the 1 million credits you'll have to go to the sector it spawned in manually with the directional buttons.

What does that yellow number next to someone’s name mean?
Shows how many times that person has been reborn.

What is a "reborn" and what does it do?
When you reach level 500,000 you can't level up anymore, so you need to "reborn" to continue getting stronger.
Each time you reborn, you will use more XP to level up, but you get more HP and do more damage. Also for each reborn you will start with 300k HP more.
A person with everything the same, but one has 10 more Reborns will be 10 times stronger than the other. For more information, visit the NPC guide

What is "Hard Mode"?
When you reach level 500,000 and 1,000 Reborns you may enter Hard Mode it’s the same as the last 1k Reborns just requires a slight bit more of experience per level up.

What is "Insane Mode"?
When you reach level 500,000 and 1,000 Reborns in Hard Mode, you may enter insane mode.
Insane Mode has a level cap of 5,000,000 and each level requires a substantial amount more of experience.
The cap on insane mode is raised by 1k Reborns every month the last 1k Reborns to cap will cost 9quint exp per level up.

How can I level up fast?
After you reach 250% XP bonus and meanwhile you have enough XP stored, you'll level up each action.
Also having Power Shard, Shard Kicker, Golden Kernel, Broken Chain of the Gods, Pristine Diamond, and Subscription Days you will double your levels earned getting a max of x64 levels each click having all the stuff (Excluding Power Shard levels).
Don't forget about the Double Level Event day, that can allow you to earn a max of x128 levels.

PS: Remember that the faster you click the faster you will level.

How can I bring my hourly credits from my peons not be in the minus column without leaving me defenseless?
The answers is easy, train your Kingmanship skill , the higher skill you have higher credits you'll earn.

How can I get Reward Points and what use do they have?
You will get Reward Points by any purchase made on any account that you referred or killing daily EBoA for random amounts 1-25. You can trade these points for Free Subscriptions days, Shard Dusts, Cash Credits and Phials of Vampire Blood.
You can type /link to see your current amount of Reward Points and your unique referral link to start earning.

I'm looking at buying many things at once from the Item Mall can I get a discount?
Absolutely, bulk orders can receive awesome discounts. 50% off or more even! Just contact Sevion in game or at with any offers.

Can I be a mod?
If you’re asking this question, no. I'll ask you if you want to be a mod.

Sometimes you’re running several different deals at the same time can we stack these deals?
No, sorry you’re not going to get a buy one get one free on something that’s already a buy one get the same amount of credit to spend. (Example: You’re not going to get Buy $20 get $20 in items free and then get a buy one get one free on top of that so you’re not getting $80+ in stuff for $20 via stacking deals.