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Full Version: How are ICA files opened?
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If you're curious about how to open ICA files, then follow our instructions to connect to Citrix desktop environments and applications. You must have the Citrix Receiver or Workspace software installed on your device to open a Citrix ICA file.

1. Go to, the company's official website.
2. Click the Download button to find the Citrix Workspace or Citrix Receiver client software.
3. Select the client software you want to download by clicking on the link.
4. After that, double-click the installer by going to your download folders.
5. Press the checkbox named I accept the license agreement.
6. Next, choose the ICA file you wish to open, then use Citrix Connection Manager to open it by right-clicking on the file.
7. Enter your password and username to log in.
8. The virtualized program or desktop listed in the ICA file will launch on your screen as soon as the connection is established. It functions the same as if it were installed locally on your device.