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Full Version: New zone "Plane of Shadows"
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All monsters are shadow type and fight only 1 round before disappearing. (This will allow IA to use the new math method for high number calculations without causing a extreme load on the server and will not effect lower users who don't kill things in 1 hit as the higher ups do) This will allow for monsters of ANY strength there really is no limit and will provide a challenge to those who already find FEV Djinn easy, a FEV Shadow Monster will not be as easy to slay.

Bonuses etc still out in the air, just wanted to post this part so I wouldnt forget it.
Yes this would be awesome
Throwing ideas out there for plane bonuses-

Make it so that other planes still serve a purpose.

Plane of Shadows
-bonus to credits, credit bags. no bonus to exp or skill chance.
-New special mob that drops guild items (for example, IMMORAL Soul Burner). Drops X amount of items directly to user's guild. Cannot be found when under the effects of moonfire.

To further the thought, balance other planes (souls/dullahan) to make sure they are still used. If you want to skill efficiently, go to souls. If you want to level efficiently, go to dullahan. If you want to build your guild, go to shadows.

Plane of Souls- skilling plane
Plane of Shadows- guild plane
Dullahan- leveling plane

I do like the ideal of balancing out the planes. And a possibly guild type monster.

However you wont see feasts in a sense as those are holiday week drops normally.
(12-13-2012, 12:32 PM)Sevion Wrote: [ -> ]I do like the ideal of balancing out the planes. And a possibly guild type monster.

However you wont see feasts in a sense as those are holiday week drops normally.

Sorry didn't mean a feast dropping monster. Meant something much smaller scale. More along the lines of:

conmeo has found 3 Shard Dust for <Ces Anym> on the corpse of the IMMORAL Soul Keeper!
Or perhaps FBFH rate beasts that spawn there and are about the same strength as bottom monster with no cap that spawn and drop drops similar to FBFH Dacauz but into the guild bank in that zone since the new zone will be based around guilds?

This then kinda makes me wanna scale this zone a bit more allowing lowers in but with the same 1 hit kill combat as the monsters are Shadow type and make the only requirement to enter be in a guild. And increase the normal 30 monsters to like 75-100 monsters for this zone (We will definitely have to put the numbers in the drop down with that many monsters) ?
INstead of the generic gains you usally see, it would be cool if the monsters you fought actually gave guild items like CS, CC, PT, ET etc make it so every 10 levels you gain an extra item so like at 1st mob you would gain CS, and at 10th CS and ET so on and so fourth
No, just no.

A little math here 1 kill per second on average for 1 hour is roughly 3600 kills so thats 3,600 drops into the guild per hour for 1 player, multiply that by 10 guild members doing this thats 30k drops in 1 hours time frame. Average this to a good play day of a average of 10 people online in a single guild for 10 hours that day, Thats 300k drops or the equive of 300 grab bags or roughly or $2,400 worth of drops in a single day for one guild.
Thanks Alex, just shit on my idea why don't you Tongue