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Full Version: Kingdoms Credit Overflow
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Once a player gets their KMS high enough it is easy to gain more credits from a kingdom than a player can hold. Maybe create a craftable item that allows the kingdom income to be auto deposited into the bank in full. You could name it something like a tax coffer or something.
Additional Info:

So once I get to a billion land and have 11 billion peasants, I get this message - You have paid your military and collected an additional 1,532,345,718,066,487,695,107,094,887,574,536,192 Credits. That is 1,532,345,718,066,487,695,107,094T Credits. The most you can carry at one time is 99,999,999,999,999,991,611,392T. The remaining 1,432,345,718,066,487,703,495,702T credits (not including any credits already carried by the player) are lost. It would be nice to be able to have these auto-deposit in the bank instead, and would reward those who clicked up that high of a KMS.
Something like that would be nice since it gets to be a pain in the ass to level up a Skill Sync Stone.
I'll make an item that has a quest linked to waging war. That should bring some life into kingdom war too as people get the required war counts to complete it.
I had an additional thought on the kingdom overflow direct deposit item...

As for names I was thinking something like the Royal Tax Collector, or something along those lines.

As for how to get it, you indicated you wanted to make it part of the Kingdom activities. What if you added a "Search Party" under the explore drop down. It would only be available if the player can send out 5 billion peons, six generals (which means they would have to get at least 2 more above default through the necromancer/item store), cost 5 million War Points, and have a 75% peon loss rate. You could also add in a couple of rewards/penalties for using the Search function:

50% Find one hours worth of tax income
20% Find a Grab Bag
10% Search Party Gets Lost (Lose all peons and 1 General)
5% Nothing Happens (No Peon Loss)
5% Peons awaken a XXXX (Uber Beast) which kills all peon and 2 Generals
5% Find the Royal Tax Collector Want Ad (If player owns the Tax Collector, then they get a Jackpot Grab bag instead)
2% Find an Immoral Engulfed Object Fragment
1% Find a Strange Essence
.5% Find an Arena Ticket
.5% Find a Primal Essence
.5% Find a Lime Green Egg
.5% Find a Legendary Hero (+1 General)

Each Search takes 3 hours.

Once the player finds the want ad, then on their next successful attack they "hire" a tax collector instead of receiving any land (They still get the war points).
What do you think?