Archived Immoral Attack Forums

Full Version: Going from Dul to PoE to PoH instantly
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I was pressing the movement buttons on my arrow then it from 2,1 in dul then went to 0,0 to go to PoC. at PoC i entered then it sent me to 10,8 or something. Then after i went to 5,5 to fight ulrik it sent me to PoH...
Sure you didn't accidentally hit the Teleport button?

When you enter PoC from Dullahan it Takes you to 8,2 the entrance to Dullahan from Plane of Creation.
it took me from 0,0 to 0,10 or something when i hit teleport. the steps i did was tried to talk to ulrik then i got off beta. then while still in Dul, i teleported out of there and ended up in some random location. then went to 5,X maybe 6 then clicked 1 more then < ended up in PoE 5,5