Ghost Mine Mimic
Ok as it stands, only about 4 active people can take on these monstrosities. I understand this beast was made mostly for higher level players, but the thing is these players do not even need to kill monsters to spawn it, they can just sit idle all day and have the players of the game do the work for them, especially those who actually put in the time and effort to get 10s of thousands of kills a day.
I have personally summoned this creature many times and have given 1 player over $200+ of grab bags in the last two weeks alone.
I propose that the summoning of this beast be changed.
Only those with keys would be able to summon it first of all, this keeps the key in demand. Next these beasts would be private beasts, only shown to the player that summoned them. Now as for a twist, maybe some kind of algorithm could be written so that the beast is actually hidden until the player that summoned it is on the tile it was summoned at, this is so players who can't kill the beast or don't want to can 'sell' the beast to the higher level players and encourages more bartering plus bolsters newer weaker players which will keep them playing and sustaining the game.
An alternative to this hidden beast idea would be to put in a command like /mimic or something that will kill the beast if the player is unable to kill it, granting nothing to anyone just removing the beast.
These beasts just give too much SD and CC to the higher level players and furthers the gap between them and normal players. This idea is attempting to remedy that so that this game remains relatively competitive among many players instead of the top 4 or 5.
Another idea I was thinking about was having an option in preferences to turn off the summoning of such beasts, that way players can turn it on and kill them when they are able to, while at the same time keeping the elite players from leeching off the time and effort the other players of the game devote to it.
Any other suggestions or tweaks or criticisms to this idea are much appreciated.