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Melenial Kills
03-31-2014, 12:07 PM,
Melenial Kills
I would like to add my idea of bringing back the ability of spawning Melenial kills again as players who spend all day online have a huge advantage over players who can only spend a few hours per day on the game yet are active daily. As the feature of upgrading IEO is going to drastically increase damage I don't think it should be easy to capp on kills. If you would be able to make it where players can only spawn 1 Melenial per day and make it only spawnable for players with a minimum of 1000 daily kills ( or make it a different amount ) Seeing as me and other players who spend as much time as we can on the game and are on pretty much every day are not having any luck getting the Melenial kills required to upgrade our IEO's. another possibility to make it so new players don't spawn them and get their trinkets too easily would make the cost a larger number of credits to spawn. maybe like 1 sept credits per spawn, making them as valuable and greedy upgrades. Just my thought on it would like more peoples opinions and ideas.
03-31-2014, 12:13 PM,
RE: Melenial Kills
I like the idea. Limiting it to 1 per day and having a high cost would be good. Also requiring some activity, but not crazy amounts does work as well. +1 overall
03-31-2014, 12:15 PM,
RE: Melenial Kills
I like the idea. Limiting it to 1 per day and having a high cost would be good. Also requiring some activity, but not crazy amounts does work as well. +1 overall
03-31-2014, 01:33 PM,
RE: Melenial Kills
Would also be nice to be able to upgrade 1% or 2% each kill till reach max, not sure how hard a program issue that would add with maybe a min summon of 1 day with a high cost to ensure we all get a shot at one
04-01-2014, 06:13 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-01-2014, 06:23 AM by Sevion.)
RE: Melenial Kills
I will not be returning the Melenials back to the Dark Stranger, the whole purpose of removing them was to cause a much longer "quest" for all the fragments in the first place. I have placed more than enough daily activity rewards in game that I am not adding anymore, the only thing adding anymore of these such incentives will do is grant more to those that play non stop and cause more complaints from those that login for 2 minutes and expect to have completed "end zone" quests just because they logged for 2 seconds. A while back the game gave more to those who had more alts and didnt play at all and it was the worst setup ever and caused many daily players to quit because those who just logged and left where just as good if not better than those who played for a few hours each day. People may not be getting as many beasts as they like because overall activity is down, but I can not fix that someone only logs for 2 mins only to log right back out because no beasts are alive. Everyone knows how beasts spawn, people click beasts spawn. The next round of kingdoms begins in 2 weeks so we should see a increase in activity as many stopped playing because they gave up on the kingdom round. But I'm not catering to those who do not attempt to even play and want to just login and have everything. If thats they way they wish to play they know theres a item mall for that play style.

Those who play each day for a hour or so should have no problem capping beasts (the standard cap of 14 that is), yes someone whos online 24/7 will get more magic rocks and thus more beasts I see no point in plateauing someone who plays very actively to someone who plays for just an hour, that would be very harmful to the system and cause where those who dont play as often will get absolutely nothing as there will be nothing for them at all since many things are left alone by those who are capped. As why play if theres no use in playing beyond 2 hours just because others only play 2 hours?
04-01-2014, 01:16 PM,
RE: Melenial Kills
okay thanks for thinking about it, it was just an idea I had.

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