In an effort to move forward with simpler tools and less antispam efforts. I have setup this new feedback forum for everyone in place of the traditional forum system used previously. I do apologize as exporting its content is not possible, especially without credit to their posters.

You can access the read only archive of the previous forums here.


Remove the refresh after every action so we can keep chat in the same tab. Either expand the on hand credit cap or allow for auto deposit in the bank.


  • allow for auto deposit in the bank

    Isn't this already a thing? I thought it was? 🤔

    On the action refresh, unfortunately that's a bit more work than one would expect though I'm still working to devise a way to handle it. Once I have more information and a course of action in the spaghetti code. I'll let you know.

  • I'm not sure about the auto deposit, might be some type of purchasable upgrade , I know I have to manually deposit mine

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